the Gardners TOO Artwork & jewel case

Fill out the following form and we will mail you the artwork and jewel case for the Gardners "TOO" compact disc. Each premium jewel case with autographed artwork is $15. The CD is available for free here. This form is for ordering a premium jewel case (CD case) with color photos of the musicians and song credits, etc. This is a way for us to raise a little cash so that we can make our next album. You will receive by mail the CD case with an invoice for $17 ($15 for the CD case and $2 for shipping) and a self addressed stamped envelope. Simply put your check or money order in the supplied envelope and drop it in the mail. Simple as that... no risk!!!

Please provide the following contact information:
Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Autographed to whom
Select any of the following options that apply:

Met you in person
Received CD from the Gardners
Received CD from a friend
Found this site by a 'net search
Responding to an e-mail
Referred by a friend
Enter your comments in the space provided below:
(you might tell us your favorite song or band, or what you like about our web site)

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Revised: June 16, 2008