Fill out the following form and we will mail you the artwork and jewel case for the Gardners "TOO" compact disc. Each premium jewel case with autographed artwork is $15. The CD is available for free here. This form is for ordering a premium jewel case (CD case) with color photos of the musicians and song credits, etc. This is a way for us to raise a little cash so that we can make our next album. You will receive by mail the CD case with an invoice for $17 ($15 for the CD case and $2 for shipping) and a self addressed stamped envelope. Simply put your check or money order in the supplied envelope and drop it in the mail. Simple as that... no risk!!!
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Street Address | |
Address (cont.) | |
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State/Province | |
Zip/Postal Code | |
Country | |
Autographed to whom |
Met you in person
Received CD from the Gardners
Received CD from a friend
Found this site by a 'net search
Responding to an e-mail
Referred by a friend
Enter your comments in the space provided below:
(you might tell us your favorite song or band, or what you like about our web